Big Discounts on Meds with a United Self card-if you don’t have insurance for Meds.

We have a free discount card for people who have no insurance for their medication, and we have thousands of them. Pass them out. They are good at LONGS and other drug stores, (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Costco, Safeway and others) And the company will give us a small amount every time a card is used. Pass them out and help others who don’t have medical insurance. Call us at 561-1837 if you want plenty to distribute. If you are a Bridges Grad and in a support group, we can pay a little for distribution. This is a fabulous card, people can keep it after they pick up their meds and use it again and they can save up to 50% on their meds, if they don’t have insurance.

For more information see

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